India:India is peaceful zone



Russia, the world's largest country, is a captivating blend of rich history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant culture. Nestled between Europe and Asia, it spans eleven time zones, offering a tapestry of experiences. The iconic capital, Moscow, showcases the heart of Russia with its historic landmarks like the Kremlin and Red Square. St. Petersburg, another jewel, boasts magnificent palaces and a cultural scene that breathes life into the pages of Russian history.

In the realm of culture, Russia stands as a literary powerhouse. The works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, giants of classical literature, resonate globally. The country's landscapes are equally awe-inspiring, from the vast Siberian wilderness to the picturesque Trans-Siberian Railway. Russia's warmth isn't just from its people but also from the fireplaces of traditional Russian homes, a testament to the enduring spirit of its citizens.

Russia's education system stands as a beacon of intellectual growth. With renowned institutions like Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University, it attracts students worldwide. These centers of learning embody Russia's commitment to excellence in science, arts, and technology. As the nation continues to evolve, Russia beckons adventurers, scholars, and cultural enthusiasts to explore its vast expanses and uncover the secrets held within its history and landscapes.

Best for

Medical and nursing

Capital & Currency


Known For

The vastness of Siberia, iconic landmarks like the Kremlin, classical literature by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

Top Government University

Tomsk State University

Moscow State University

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

HSE University

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